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Euro Fire Resistant

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Euro Fire Resistant

Euro Fire Resistant are a suitable for horizontal applications that require specific building codes for fire rated protection.  Coming in a couple different options in metric measurements, fire resistance duration between 30, 60, 90 minutes and one pattern option with the choice of Clearview and the Sahara sandblasted option available.  This application can be used in residential and commercial locations either interior or exterior to help cover all basis on what your area county codes are calling for.


Sizing and pattern options:

1919/8 30 minute fire rated – Clearview or both sides in the Sahara finishing

1919/16 60 minute fire rated – Clearview or both sides in the Sahara finishing

1919/16 90 minute fire rated – Clearview or both sides in the Sahara finishing


Are you needing horizontal glass block products that are fire resistant in your residential or commercial project?  If so, call our team at Quality Glass Block today for more information.